Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Newest ACORN video

Well, Big Government just dropped part two of the San Bernardino ACORN tape. Interestingly, after yesterday's video was published, Tresa Kaelke (name not misspelled), the subject of the video, claimed that she played along because she "feared for her safety." As you probably guessed, that assertion seems pretty much false given part two of the video. In fact, the video seems targeted to refute this assertion:

Amazingly, ACORN has now acknowledged the obvious: it needs to get its s**t together. And it is suspending its operations to do so. Apparently, the videos aren't quite as doctored as ACORN had originally claimed.

Ed Morrissey at Hot Air has made this keen observation about ACORN's decision:

Humble is what follows after humiliation, in most cases, and that’s exactly what ACORN has suffered for the past week. Humble would have gone a long way toward moderating the public backlash against ACORN in the wake of these (now) “indefensible” actions by ACORN offices in Baltimore, New York City, Washington DC, and San Bernardino. Had they acknowledged the obvious from the very beginning, the rest of these exposés would have become anti-climactic.

Instead, Lewis played the race card, and now has egg on her face and that of the entire organization. ACORN definitely needs to clean house, and they should start with Lewis. She has become the Baghdad Bob of ACORN and has zero credibility after accusing everyone of being racists for their offense at taxpayer dollars going to an organization that offers advice on how to cheat the IRS.

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